Welcome to Agarwaal Dental Centre!
Agarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental Centre
078453 54890
Big Bazaar Street, Nagapattinam
Agarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental Centre


We give the best Services

The most beautiful face of the world is yours.. To adorn a crown to your graceful face, we provide you a variety of treatments called as Cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dentistry and facial esthetics involves procedures to improve your facial glow, reduce the signs of aging, reduce double chin, wrinkles. It also rejuvenates the skin and helps you achieve flawless skin and remove marks and blemishes. There are procedures done to enhance your chin, cheeks and lips. We use Botox injections, derma fillers to improve the appearance of the face. Few procedures are permanent while few are temporary and requires topup doses. Botox injections: It is a Blessing in disguise. Botox is a toxin from a bacterium and is approved cosmetic treatment. These injections reduces the wrinkles and creases on the face. Prior to using botox, a test dose is given. After confirmation of no allergic reactions, they are injection beneath the skin. They visibly brings about changes in the skin and makes the skin look younger and brighter. Dermal fillers: These are gel like substances that are injected beneath the skin to bring about enhancement of facial contours. They use biocompatible preparations of chemicals produced by our body for rejuvenation of skin like hyaluronic acid,calcium hydroxyapatite, polymethyl methacrylate. The selection of the dermal fillers is done by the specialist based on the region to be enhanced and the longevity required. Lip Augmentation ,Cheek and chin enhancements: These are cosmetic procedures used to improve the facial appearance. They involve surgical procedure and are permanent. The doctor performs certain investigations, explain the patient and shows them how would they look post surgery with help of specialised softwares.


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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)