Welcome to Agarwaal Dental Centre!
Agarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental Centre
078453 54890
Big Bazaar Street, Nagapattinam
Agarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental CentreAgarwaal Dental Centre


We give the best Services

Kids Dentistry is an exclusive branch of dental field to handle the dental needs of our precious little ones and follows the motto
“ An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure”
Healthy kid smile is the foundation for a healthy adult smile. Preserving the healthy state of milk teeth until its stipulated age plays a major role in the health and alignment of permanent teeth.
Kids Dentistry includes decay prevention, maintenance of space for the permanent teeth, early correction of teeth mal-alignment, termination of oral habits like thumb sucking and painless treatment of decayed teeth.
The specialists treat each child by understanding their minds and thus making it a happy dental experience and instilling positive attitude towards dental treatment. The experts are also trained in handling special children. The treatments include esthetic tooth coloured fillings, applications to prevent decay and root canal therapies to milk teeth.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)